Dedicated in ensuring the most stellar and engaging trip to San Francisco you and your family will take, our City Grand Tour and stop on Alcatraz Island is one of our most popular tours. Not only is it a tour of this grand city, it is the Grand Tour.
For about 4 quick hours, you will be taken to some of the most popular sites in all of the West Coast. The tour begins and ends in the city’s infamous Union Square where Downtown San Fran comes to life – bustling with business people, theatre goers, and high-end shoppers. There will be several stops where you can get off at and go fully explore everything each place has to offer.
As the pièce de résistance, a stop at the Golden Gate Bridge is a must for everyone on the tour and frankly, any tourist in San Fran. Even the guides adore stopping here and taking it all in! It is a beautiful scene – a monumental structure, heavenly water underneath, and a breathtaking view of an incredible city.

As we continue to drive along historical San Francisco neighborhoods, put on your detective cap for certain neighborhoods and see if you can spot some celebrities who call San Francisco home like Whoopi Goldberg, Nicholas Cage, and George Lucas.
Another amazing stop that you will quickly fall in love with is Twin Peaks. Seated 1,000 feet above sea level, you get the most incredible 360 degree view of the city. Each stop on the tour includes alloted time to walk around, explore, and the ability to ask a guide any and all questions you may have.

The part of the tour that everyone excitedly awaits is the swim over to Alcatraz Island. The former federal prison is located 1.25 miles off the shore. From the year 1934 to 1963, Alcatraz was used infamously in holding convicted felons like Al Capone and Robert Franklin Stroud. However, it was also a lighthouse and military fortification + prison. Many high ranking military families lived on the island – and you get to see these places they used to call home! Alcatraz had a chilling allure that brings in hundreds of people every day, are you next to take the tour?!

If you are interested in checking a couple of landmarks off your bucket list, book your next San Francisco tour around the city (plus Alcatraz!) here today: